Event Industry in Japan: Looking Back at 2022
We at JTB Meetings & Events by JTB Communication Design (JCD) started 2022 off the same way we started 2021: hopeful. But while 2021 was still fully in the grasp of the pandemic, at least here in Japan, in 2022 things finally changed for the better. We were finally able to start re-connecting. Although sadly new heights of infection rates were reached during the winter’s 6th wave and summer’s 7th wave, their concrete impact on society lessened over time, and nationwide restrictions were released. On top of that, as we had all been eagerly anticipating, border regulations relaxed over the second half of the year. Since October you can visit Japan for business and pleasure again without too much trouble. So now that we can fully get back to business again, here’s a quick update on how the event industry in Japan changed in 2022.

Online & Hybrid Event Business
As we all know, in the first two years of the pandemic the event industry was thrown for a loop. We all scrambled to figure out how to switch to online and hybrid events. Existing companies pivoted and expanded their business strategies while countless new businesses sprung up. While the growth of alternatives, and many innovative ideas and products were welcomed, but it perhaps became a bit chaotic too quickly. Eventually the market became over-saturated with online platforms and other tools. Consequently, in a short period there were companies that fell as fast as they rose. But in 2022 things seem to have stabilized again. Online and hybrid event models and products have been fine-tuned, and we are all much more accustomed to them. At the same time, because of the return to in-person events, the demand has stabilized for the time being. Innovation and growth will continue, but at a more manageable pace.In-Person Events Recovering Further
As we mentioned above, after a pivot to online, we came back to in-person events. Initially with restrictions, but in 2022 in many places across the globe restrictions already became minimized. Compared to the West, some countries including Japan were slower to do this, and at the time of writing, masks are still often worn. But at least events are held again, many annual events coming back after a two- or three-year hiatus. Venue capacity and attendance numbers are recovering as well. People are re-connecting, and it is great to see.