Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for 2023

From all of us here at JTB Meetings & Events by JTB Communication Design: We wish you Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

With much of the world trying to leave the pandemic behind it, and Japan having finally reopened its borders as well, we can start moving forward again. We recently shared some Ideas for Your Business Events in Japan in 2023, as well as Visiting Japan? Etiquette to be Aware of for Travel & Business Events. If you haven’t had a look at these articles, feel free to do so now, and think about your plans for the future. If you have anything ideas you would like to discuss with us, whether concrete or still vague, please contact us here.

Also, please follow us on your preferred social media platform for updates on JCD and the event industry in Japan! (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter). As always, we appreciate your support, and we look forward to working together with you in 2023 and beyond!

happy holidays japan event 2023

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