Pros and Cons of Webinars

While we listed the Pros and Cons of Holding Online Events a couple weeks ago, this week we would like to focus on Webinars in particular. Webinars are a great substitute for real-life events as they are still held in real time. Some platforms have seen the number of webinars being hosted jump up by 330% since the COVID-19 outbreak, showing that these popular events are becoming more than just a substitute for in-person events and many people actually prefer them. At JTB Meetings & Events by JTB Communication Design (JCD), we always make sure we are making the most of our events no matter what the style. If you are thinking of holding a webinar, here are some pros and cons to consider.

Pros of webinars

Greater and wider audience

Whether you are holding a company training session or an open event to spread awareness about your business, webinars are a great way to reach a wider audience. If you select the right time, you can attract participants from all over the world to share their thoughts. It is also much easier to engage with everyone in your own company. Even if they have time restraints or aren’t able to commute to in-person seminars, webinars give them the option to attend easily from their own home. 92% of attendees want a live Q&A at the end, suggesting that they appreciate the interactive features of a webinar, and 79% of webinar attendees believe live sessions provide a more authentic experience than pre-recorded videos.

webinar pros cons japan

Easy to set up

Unlike other large events, webinars are reasonably easy to set up in our experience. You can shoot and distribute the entire webinar in a small meeting or conference room and the equipment needed is minimal. As long as you have the essentials like a professional microphone, boom arm, and wireless headphones, you’ll be able to present and interact with your audience simultaneously. We make sure your equipment is high quality and test everything before your webinar so that it goes off without a hitch.

Although setup is pretty minimal, we do like to go the extra mile so your webinar looks as high-quality as possible. We’ve found that quality lighting can make a big difference in attendee experience, and therefore helps in conveying your message and achieving the webinar’s goals. We also prepare backups as, even though webinar equipment is becoming increasingly reliable, we use one line for distribution and one for confirmation as well as providing a backup PC to be extra sure that there are no technical issues.

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More focused

Shorter doesn’t always mean less effective. Webinars can also be more streamlined than in-person events, saving you time while still improving attendee experience. Usually, when it comes to attending a physical event, guests look for something that will be worth the commute and are more likely to attend a longer event. With webinars, attendance is much easier meaning that attendees actually favor shorter sessions. 44% of attendees prefer a 45 minute webinar whereas only 10% want to attend sessions that last an hour.

Cons of webinars

Less active

One thing that you can’t emulate in a webinar in the same way that you can in a physical seminar is activities. Especially if you are holding a training session, interactive activities are the best way to grab the attention of your audience and getting people up and moving can refresh their minds.

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to keep webinars engaging and we make sure that we work activities that suit your event and audience into your plan. Examples include having your participants make something using common household objects and show it on their screens or using the interactive functions of your webinar software to draw and put people into teams to answer questions.

webinar pros cons meeting
Webinars work for a range of events including training sessions, marketing, and networking events. As long as you have the know-how and the right setup, these types of online events can be just as effective as physical ones. With the help of JCD, you might find that webinars are your new favorite event to host. Contact us here and we can discuss ideas and plans for your next event!

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