Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for 2021

From all of us here at JTB Meetings & Events by JTB Communication Design: We hope you have Happy Holidays and wish you a prosperous New Year!

Although 2020 was clearly a challenging year, we are looking forward to good tidings on the horizon. Make sure to follow us on your preferred social media platform to stay even more up to date on the latest developments, and what Japan has to offer! (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter). Also, in case you may have missed any of our articles this year, you can find the Bulletin Archive and Newsletter Archive on our website!

Thank you for your support thus far, and we look forward to working together with you and see the event industry come back stronger than ever in 2021. As we say in Japan: Yoi o-toshi wo (Have a good year)!

Japan mountain fuji new year

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